Mitigation planning

Walsh County has completed the update of their
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.

The plan has been approved by the state of North Dakota, FEMA Region VIII, adopted by Walsh County and cities for the time period of August 20,2021 through August 19, 2026.



Walsh County is confronted daily with the possibility of a serious incident of emergency proportions. Natural, technological, and man-made hazards pose a constant threat to the health, welfare, and security of our citizens. The cost of response to a recovery from disasters is so high and life is so precious that attention must turn to mitigating their effects/impacts before they occur or re-occur.


Hazard Mitigation is defined as any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from hazards. Hazard Mitigation Planning is the process through which natural hazards that threaten communities are identified, likely impacts of those hazards are determined, mitigation goals are set, and appropriate strategies that would lessen the impacts are determined, prioritized, and implemented. Hazard Mitigation Planning is required for state and local governments to maintain their eligibility for certain federal disaster assistance and hazard mitigation funding programs.


Walsh County MHMP 2021