Syringe Service programs

What is a Syringe Service Program?


In the 2017 Legislative Session Syringe Service Programs became legal in the state of North Dakota for communities who are deemed at risk for increases of HIV and viral hepatitis infections due to people in that community who inject and are sharing injection equipment. (Senate Bill (SB) 2320). The North Dakota Department of Health was given the authority to authorize programs within the state of North Dakota.

Syringe Service programs provide access to sterile needles and syringes free of cost, and facilitate safe disposal of needles and syringes. They also provide disease prevention and linkage to care and treatment for persons who inject drugs.

Benefits of Syringe Service Programs (SSPs)

  • Reduce the spread of Hepatitis C and HIV due to injection substance use
  • Reduce drug use by increasing entry into substance use treatment programs.
  • Reduce overdose deaths by providing education and training to clients on how to administer Naloxone in the event of an opioid overdose.
  • Reduce costs by saving on long term health care costs associated with HIV and Hepatitis C infections.

Walsh County does not currently have a SSP. However, we know that we have people who are injecting drugs in our county who would benefit from going to a Syringe Service Program. We encourage you to access the SSPs in Grand Forks or Fargo. These are free, confidential programs, and you are welcome to be seen there even though you do not live in their communities.

Grand Forks Any Positive Change (APC) SSP

Mobile Services 701-335-6051 (Call or text)

212 S 4th St

Grand Forks ND 58201

(First floor through the main entrance –for in person services)


Mon: 11-3

Thursday: 11-3

Friday: 3:30-5:30

Fargo Harm Reduction Center SSP

510 5th St North

Fargo ND 58102


Monday & Thursday: 4:00-8:00pm

Tuesday & Wednesday: 1:00-5:00pm

Friday: 8:00am-12:00 noon.