PREA stand for the Prison Rape Elimination Act, which was signed into law by President Bush on September 4, 2003. The final standards to implement PREA went into effect on August 20, 2012.
What is the purpose of PREA?
PREA is intended to address the detection, prevention, reduction and prosecution of sexual harassment and sexual assault in all correctional facilities in the country. It establishes a zero tolerance for sexual assault and harassment.
How to make a third party report of sexual abuse or sexual harassment
If you have knowledge of a sexual misconduct that has taken place with an inmate incarcerated at the Walsh County Correctional Facility, a report of the misconduct may be sent in writing or made by telephone to the Sheriff at the address/phone number listed below.
Inmates are encourages to speak with officers, medical staff, case managers, volunteers, family members, friends or anyone who can assist them in reporting the sexual abuse or harassment. They can write memos, file grievances, or call Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center free of charge and on the inmate phone system.