Museum Alive
Full day of events starting with an antique tractor ride at the Tony Gudajtes farm, Warsaw, ND. Which will go to Minto to join the parade. Museum doors open at 12pm. Parade starts at 1pm. Numerous events throughout the day. Doors close at 5pm
Museum Alive Events
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Minto, ND
10:30am Jim Gudajtes Memorial Antique Tractor Ride
• Starting at Tony Gudajtes Farm 701-520-1150
• Arriving in Minto for the 1:00 Parade
12:00pm Gates Open
• Admission $10.00 (Adults); $20.00 (Family)
• 13 and under Free
• Concessions open
1:00pm Museum Parade Grand Marshall: Isabell Niswonger
1:45-2:30 Heather and Thistle Pipes and Drums
2:00pm Classic Car Show
2:30 & 4:00 Sean Wallins: Elvis Tribute
3:00pm JC’s Kids Games
5:00pm Gates Close
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